Could you Embark On a Virtual Date?

No doubt you’ve heard about next Life. It is an application plan developed in 2003 which enables users to construct avatars and check out a virtual globe. Customers through their own avatars can socialize with other people, be involved in individual or party activities, purchase and exchange house, travel globally. Consumers buy clothes, objects, and gestures. You’ll find people to fuck 18 million users on 2nd existence.

A new business also known as Weopia has taken this idea and applied it to internet dating. Their internet site claims to enable you to “get a better sense of the person”, “work quicker than online dating by yourself” and “in order to make true to life times twice as successful”.

The concept works like this: you satisfy some one on an online relationship service. In email or about telephone you claim that you are going on a virtual big date. One of you joins Weopia and pays $5. This individual sends an anonymous mail invite to the other individual. You both build an avatar for the day. You’ll be able to participate in one of the activities – fly a hovercraft, go boating, hang gliding.  You can also stay and “talk” via IM.

The service claims unparalleled privacy and security controls.

Thus, is this creepy? An extremely of use tool? A strange trend? The brave “” new world “”?

Could you make use of these types of something?